The vision community has explored numerous pose guided human editing methods due to their extensive practical applications. Most of these methods still use an image-to-image formulation in which a single image is given as input to produce an edited image as output. However, the problem is ill-defined in cases when the target pose is significantly different from the input pose. Existing methods then resort to in-painting or style transfer to handle occlusions and preserve content. In this paper, we explore the utilization of multiple views to minimize the issue of missing information and generate an accurate representation of the underlying human model. To fuse the knowledge from multiple viewpoints, we design a selector network that takes the pose keypoints and texture from images and generates an interpretable per-pixel selection map. After that, the encodings from a separate network (trained on a single image human reposing task) are merged in the latent space. This enables us to generate accurate, precise, and visually coherent images for different editing tasks. We show the application of our network on 2 newly proposed tasks - Multi-view human reposing, and Mix-and-match human image generation. Additionally, we study the limitations of single-view editing and scenarios in which multi-view provides a much better alternative.
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在包括搜索在内的各种应用程序中,积极消费数字文档的研究范围为研究范围。传统上,文档中的搜索是作为文本匹配的问题施放的,忽略了结构化文档,表格等中常见的丰富布局和视觉提示。为此,我们提出了一个大多数未探索的问题:“我们可以搜索其他类似的snippets在目标文档页面中存在给定文档摘要的单个查询实例吗?”。我们建议单体将其作为单拍的摘要检测任务解决。单体融合了摘要和文档的视觉,文本和空间方式的上下文,以在目标文档中找到查询片段。我们进行了广泛的消融和实验,显示单体从一击对象检测(BHRL),模板匹配和文档理解(Layoutlmv3)中优于几个基线。由于目前的任务缺乏相关数据,因此我们对单体进行了编程生成的数据训练,该数据具有许多视觉上相似的查询片段和来自两个数据集的目标文档对 - Flamingo表单和PublayNet。我们还进行人类研究以验证生成的数据。
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大型基于变压器的预训练的语言模型在各种知识密集的任务上取得了令人印象深刻的表现,并可以在其参数中捕获事实知识。我们认为,考虑到不断增长的知识和资源需求,在模型参数中存储大量知识是亚最佳选择。我们认为,更有效的替代方法是向模型提供对上下文相关的结构化知识的明确访问,并训练它以使用该知识。我们提出了LM核 - 实现这一目标的一般框架 - 允许从外部知识源对语言模型培训的\ textit {解耦},并允许后者更新而不会影响已经训练的模型。实验结果表明,LM核心获得外部知识,在知识探索任务上的最先进的知识增强语言模型中实现了重要而强大的优于性能。可以有效处理知识更新;并在两个下游任务上表现良好。我们还提出了一个彻底的错误分析,突出了LM核的成功和失败。
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机械模拟器是流行病学的必不可少的工具,可以在不同条件下探索复杂,动态感染的行为并导航不确定的环境。基于ODE的模型是能够快速模拟且可实现基于梯度的优化的主要范式,但可以简化有关人群同质性的假设。基于代理的模型(ABM)是一种越来越流行的替代范式,可以代表接触相互作用的异质性,并具有颗粒状细节和个人行为的代理。但是,常规的ABM框架没有可区分的,并且在可伸缩性方面提出了挑战。因此,将它们连接到辅助数据源是非平凡的。在本文中,我们介绍了GradABM,这是ABMS的新型可扩展,快速和可区分的设计。 GradABM在商品硬件上几秒钟内运行模拟,并启用快速前进和可区分的反向模拟。这使得可以与深度神经网络合并并无缝整合异质数据源以帮助校准,预测和政策评估。我们通过对实际Covid-19和流感数据集进行了广泛的实验来证明GradABM的功效。我们很乐观,这项工作将使ABM和AI社区更加紧密。
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为了使模型在看不见的域(又称域的概括)下进行概括,学习是域 - 不可思议的特征表示并捕获构成对象类别的基础语义。朝着弱监督的视力语言模型的最新进展,从廉价监督的嘈杂文本注释中学习整体表示,通过捕获在不同域下概括的对象特征,表明了他们在语义理解上的能力。但是,当涉及多个源域时,数据集中每个图像的策划文本注释的成本可能会爆炸多次,具体取决于其数字。这使得该过程乏味和不可行,阻碍了我们直接使用这些监督视觉语言方法来实现对看不见的领域的最佳概括。从此激励的是,我们研究了如何以“内在”的方式利用现有预训练的多模式网络的多模式信息,以使系统在看不见的域下概括。为此,我们提出了用于域概括(Indigo)的固有多模式,这是一种简单而优雅的方式,用于利用这些预训练的多模式网络中存在的固有模态以及视觉模态以增强概括性在测试时间内看不见域。我们在几个领域的概括设置(封闭状态,OPENDG和有限的来源)上进行了实验,并在看不见的域上显示了最新的概括性能。此外,我们提供了彻底的分析,以发展对靛蓝的整体理解。
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预训练的语言模型(PTLM)已显示出在自然语言任务上表现良好。许多先前的作品都以通过知识图(KGS)标记的关系链接的实体的形式利用结构性常识来协助PTLM。检索方法使用kg作为单独的静态模块,该模块限制了覆盖范围,因为kgs包含有限的知识。生成方法训练PTLMS kg三倍以提高获得知识的规模。但是,对符号KG实体的培训限制了其在涉及自然语言文本的任务中的适用性,在这些任务中,它们忽略了整体上下文。为了减轻这种情况,我们提出了一个以句子为条件的常识性上下文化器(COSE-CO)作为输入,以使其在生成与输入文本的整体上下文相关的任务中通常可用。为了训练Cose-Co,我们提出了一个新的数据集,其中包括句子和常识知识对。 COSE-CO推断出的知识是多种多样的,并且包含了基础KG中不存在的新实体。我们增强了在多选质量质量检查和开放式常识性推理任务中产生的知识,从而改善了CSQA,ARC,QASC和OBQA数据集的当前最佳方法。我们还展示了其在改善释义生成任务的基线模型方面的适用性。
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The evaluation of abstractive summarization models typically uses test data that is identically distributed as training data. In real-world practice, documents to be summarized may contain input noise caused by text extraction artifacts or data pipeline bugs. The robustness of model performance under distribution shift caused by such noise is relatively under-studied. We present a large empirical study quantifying the sometimes severe loss in performance (up to 12 ROUGE-1 points) from different types of input noise for a range of datasets and model sizes. We then propose a light-weight method for detecting and removing such noise in the input during model inference without requiring any extra training, auxiliary models, or even prior knowledge of the type of noise. Our proposed approach effectively mitigates the loss in performance, recovering a large fraction of the performance drop, sometimes as large as 11 ROUGE-1 points.
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Legal contracts, such as employment or lease agreements, are important documents as they govern the obligations and entitlements of the various contracting parties. However, these documents are typically long and written in legalese resulting in lots of manual hours spent in understanding them. In this paper, we address the task of summarizing legal contracts for each of the contracting parties, to enable faster reviewing and improved understanding of them. Specifically, we collect a dataset consisting of pairwise importance comparison annotations by legal experts for ~293K sentence pairs from lease agreements. We propose a novel extractive summarization system to automatically produce a summary consisting of the most important obligations, entitlements, and prohibitions in a contract. It consists of two modules: (1) a content categorize to identify sentences containing each of the categories (i.e., obligation, entitlement, and prohibition) for a party, and (2) an importance ranker to compare the importance among sentences of each category for a party to obtain a ranked list. The final summary is produced by selecting the most important sentences of a category for each of the parties. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed system by comparing it against several text ranking baselines via automatic and human evaluation.
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